Hitchhikers and Appetizers Season 5
Hitchhikers and Appetizers Podcast, Hitchhikers and Appetizers Season 5, Uncategorized
HA! S5E8…
Bucket Is A Gooood GuestBucket is from the planet Park where they enjoy chasing squirrels, sticking their heads out the window when they go for drives, and looking for the perfect stick to carry around in their mouths.
Hitchhikers and Appetizers Podcast, Hitchhikers and Appetizers Season 5
HA! S5E7…
Millicent Is The NurseMillicent is THE NURSE and she stops by Booth 42 to give unsolicited but nonetheless charming health advice.
Hitchhikers and Appetizers Podcast, Hitchhikers and Appetizers Season 5
HA! S5E6…
Jarblatt Cackle The PerfidiousJarblatt Cackle The Perfidious is small in size but not in self-importance. He’s the most divine figure from a planet where consuming is divine and being consumed is an honor.
Hitchhikers and Appetizers Podcast, Hitchhikers and Appetizers Season 5
HA! S5E5…
Yelraf Cram
The Gift (Shop) That Keeps GivingOur series of behind-the-scenes interviews with Milliways employees continues with gift shop manager Yelraf Cram, who regales us with fascinating items for sale and the hilarious antics of Juiciano.
Hitchhikers and Appetizers Podcast, Hitchhikers and Appetizers Season 5, Uncategorized
HA! S5E4…
Delphine, The (Former) Prime ExcelsiorDelphine has been deposed from her high status of Prime Excelsior of Terratellis.
Hitchhikers and Appetizers Podcast, Hitchhikers and Appetizers Season 5, Uncategorized
HA! S5E3…
Biscuit, The Peaceful Warrior SquidgelingBiscuit is a three foot tall peace-loving Squidgeling from a planet of adorable war-loving squids.