Shaun Landry
Hitchhikers and Appetizers Podcast, Hitchhikers and Appetizers Season 4
HA! S4E2…
Beth The Head ChefMilliways' Head Chef Beth stops by Booth 42 to talk about the lobbing off of heads and to speculate about the optimal way of preparing Trellis & Horatio if… IF she were to cook them.
TheArtOfYes: Episode 6 – Interview With Shaun Landry
Shaun Landry was born in Chicago, Illinois to Beverly and Malcom Landry. Living now in Los Angeles, Shaun Landry is the Artistic Director of Oui Be Negroes, founded The West […]
10 Minutes with Shaun Landry
Today Improv OH MUH GAWD, WHERE DO I START? Such an amazing time improvising “10 Minutes with Shaun Landry” Thanks to Kristen Brookes For the suggestion “All the appliances are breaking at […]