10 Minutes with Shaun Landry Today Improv
OH MUH GAWD, WHERE DO I START? Such an amazing time improvising “10 Minutes with Shaun Landry” Thanks to Kristen Brookes For the suggestion “All the appliances are breaking at the same time.” Stick around after as we talk about all sorts of things, including her start with Geese Theatre Company working in prisons doing drama therapy across the country and internationally, playing with joy, being fearless, how to handle inappropriate moves and what she would do if ever being called the N word in a scene. Shaun is a living improv legend, a trailblazer. She formed the groundbreaking group Oui Be Negroes (is still its artistic director) and at one point was one of three African Americans performing improv comedy in Chicago. She sent Robin Williams a letter asking him if he would like to come to a Oui Be Negroes performance. Not only did he show up and improvise, he also brought Woody Harrelson, who was performing in The Late Henry Moss in San Francisco. She performs with her husband Hans in LANDRY & SUMMERS, in her one woman show FLake and with The Seniors Improv Comedy. She teaches online classes at Pack Theater as well as for groups. Follow her on Facebook and check out her website for more info: https://shaunlandry.com/ Subscribe to youtube.com/todayimprov and watch all the “10 Minutes with…” videos.