10 Minutes with Roberto Lewis Today Improv
ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? IT’S LIKE CHRISTMAS WHENEVER IMPROVISING “10 Minutes with Roberto Lewis” BECAUSE HE IS CONSTANTLY GIVING GIFTS!!! Thanks to Neal Leaheey for the suggestion “Beards!” Stick around after as we talk about how Roberto got into improv, what is was like having Chris Gorbos as a teacher, the benefits of co-teaching, the class he’s teaching at BATS Improv, setting boundaries in your play, and more. I just love Roberto so much, as do audiences. He’s one of those performers that no matter what, your friends will say, “Who is that guy? He’s great!” He is just so wonderfully talented and emotional in his play and it showed it here. I just love how his brain works both how he plays and how he teaches and coaches improv. He always wants to make the group look at good as possible and supports others’s moves so well. Follow him on Facebook and on Twittter and IG @blahblahgoals. And watch his improvised medical TV show “Heartbeats” Ripley Improv on their Twitch channel https://www.twitch.tv/ripleyimprov. Subscribe to youtube.com/todayimprov for all the “10 Minutes with…” videos from amazing improvisors from all over the world as well as more improv stuff.