Cassidy Russell

“The main thing I believe is that you can take comedy seriously.”


Cassidy has been doing improv since middle school (cool!).  She is currently performing and teaches at the Annoyance Theatre, where she improvises weekly with Sight Unseen. Also at the Annoyance, Cassidy produces the show Oddball Social Club, and has directed multiple sketch shows as well as 2019’s It’s Christmas, Goddamnit!, and got she got her tongue cut out in the 31st annual production of Splatter Theatre. Across town, she performs with iO Theater’s veteran team Deep Schwa.

Cassidy was a performer with the Village Theatre Mainstage team in Atlanta and house teams at the Washington Improv Theater in DC. She has a whole lot of coaching / teaching experience and won a lot of high school theater awards, so she knows what she’s talking about.

Cassidy’s two-person team, Rufio, has performed across the country – Del Close Marathon, Out of Bounds Comedy Festival, Alaska State Improv Festival, Atlanta Improv Festival, Atlanta Fringe Festival, Atlanta Black Box Comedy Festival, Ocean State Improv Festival, Vancouver Improv Festival – and maintains an active blog. Want to get nerdy? Please know that she can provide that experience for you here. She’s told you that she takes comedy seriously. Guys, she’s been interviewed about improv twice on NPR. She admits to not being cool. (Want to get even nerdier? Here’s a podcast where  she goes very in-depth on both improv and Bill Nye.)

Her main life interests are crying onstage, listening to banjo music, and talking about classic children’s literature.