HA! S7E2…Silas Spitoon and the Tasteful Medium Distance

Silas Spitoon is from the planet Flax where racketeering and racquetball are very similar. He’s on a quest to document bathrooms across the galaxy, but not in a pervy way. We recommend listening to this episode from a medium, tasteful distance.

This Episode’s Guest Improviser

Rick Andrews as Silas Spitoon.

Rick Andrews is a teacher and performer at The Magnet Theater, and has been studying, performing, and teaching improvisation since 1999. He began improvising with Improv Boston, and continued with a stint in Saint Louis, MO. He has been fortunate to learn from many improv greats, including Armando Diaz, Ed Herbstman, Joe Bill, Mark Sutton, Amy Poehler, Ian Roberts, Will Luera, Jill Bernard, and more.

Rick has taught workshops at improv festivals across the country, including the Boston Improv Festival, Baltimore Improv Festival, Black Box Atlanta, and many more. He co-produces Duofest, an annual festival of improv duos in Philly, PA. He has taught improvisation to people as old as 75 and as young as 6, and has done workshops for production companies and zoos alike.

He enjoys running, putting words on pages, thinking about the brain, and he loves improv more than anything.

Producers: Mike Gorgone & Bran Peacock
Post-Production Coordination: Mike Gorgone & Bran Peacock
Editor: Mike Gorgone
HA! Logo: Mike Gorgone
Music: “Ben Sound Actionable” and “Ben Sound Sexy” from bensound.com
Sound effects:
Power Up 1 and TOS Communications Static 1 – from trekcore.org
Computer Heart 2 – from freesound

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