HA! S7E3…Take A Chance On Chance
Life coach, part-time entrepreneur, and unregistered nurse Chance Squadron surprises Trellis and Horatio with an impromptu counseling session that puts Trellis through the basement, but that doesn’t trouble Horatio very much.
This Episode’s Guest Improviser
John Mangum as Chance Squadron.

Jonathan was born in Charleston, S.C. and grew up in Mobile, Alabama. At the age of twenty, he moved to Orlando, Florida where he earned a B.S. in psychology and began performing improv comedy with Wayne Brady at SAK Theatre Comedy Lab. In 1995 he moved with a group of improvisers to Los Angeles and together they began performing as the Houseful of Honkeys. Since then, Jonathan has toured the world performing improv with Wayne Brady and Drew Carey. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife Leah Stanko Mangum and their two sons, Chase and Austin.
Currently, Jonathan can be seen as the co-host of the Let’s Make a Deal on CBS and often on Whose Line is it, Anyway?
Producers: Mike Gorgone & Bran Peacock
Post-Production Coordination: Mike Gorgone & Bran Peacock
Editor: Mike Gorgone
HA! Logo: Mike Gorgone
Music: “Ben Sound Actionable” and “Ben Sound Sexy” from bensound.com
Sound effects:
Power Up 1 and TOS Communications Static 1 – from trekcore.org
Computer Heart 2 – from freesound