HA! S5E20…
Return To Zinnder
The latest descendent of Zinn Skenekticus Gardeen, our prophet from the future where we’re worshipped as gods, returns blah blah blah, but the real attraction here is that he’s brought his previously unknown roommate Allen Bullion with him and Allen is so cool. SO COOL!
This Episode’s Guest Improvisers
Jim Karwisch as Zinn Skenektikus Gardeen and Ben Hirsch as Allen Bullion

About Jim Karwisch:
I work with individuals and teams to clarify their goals, remove obstacles, and improve their relationships. http://www.untanglednarrative.com
I am facilitator at DuMore Improv in Atlanta GA. We use Improvisation to teach team members better listening, accepting, and collaborative skills as well as Emotional Intelligence, Crucial Conversations and other Soft Skills. http://www.dumoreimprov.com
I am the creator and teacher at ImprovInAction – Your Online Improv Community. We help to fill knowledge gaps for those around the world who do not have access to needed improv resources. https://www.improvinaction.com
I am a Co-founder, Speaker and Trainer for ImprovUX which is a series of talks and workshops to help UX Practitioners strengthen relationship connections with their clients and users. http://www.improvux.com

Ben Hirsch is a real human with a real human brain. When you talk to him, he thinks about what you said, then he thinks about what to say in reply, then he says it. He uses his real brain to do this. Ben is not connected to the wifi, nor is he being controlled by some crazy “Twitch plays Pokémon” style website. That’s hilarious, how do you come up with crazy ideas like that? Haha, this is why I like hanging out with you– you have such ludicrous ideas. Haha.
Producers: Mike Gorgone & Bran Peacock
Post-Production Coordination: Mike Gorgone & Bran Peacock
Editor: Mike Gorgone
HA! Logo: Mike Gorgone
Music: “Ben Sound Actionable” and “Ben Sound Sexy” from bensound.com
Sound effects:
Power Up 1 and TOS Communications Static 1 – from trekcore.org
Computer Heart 2 – from freesound.org
Restaurant background and Jazz background – unknown