HA! S2E3…
Engineering Empathy with Ko FEE
Ko FEE is an empathic engineer from the planet Dioretika in the Gestalt Nebula who gets in touch with our feelings.
This Episode’s Guest Improviser
Joe Bill
Twitter @mrjoebill | Instagram @mrjoebill
Joe Bill Teaches & Integrated Improvisation

Joe Bill is widely regarded as one of the best teachers of Scenic and Comedic Improvisation in America today. He is one of the founding members of Annoyance Theater Chicago where, for 12 years, he performed in and/or directed more than 60 different shows. He was the Director of Corporate Training at iO Chicago for 15 years, and started training and performing there in 1985, and was a Guest Artist in Residence at The Second City Training Center & Conservatory where he taught intensives in Duo Improvisation and Improvisation for Actors for 10 years. Joe is ½ of the original improvised Monoscene (we used to call it “Real Time”), BASSPROV with Mark Sutton, and has been touring all over the world teaching, directing and improvising with a number of other amazing Duo Partners like Patti Stiles, Jill Bernard, Stacey Hallal, Lee White, David Razowsky and Heather Urquart, ALL in different, original formats and styles. Joe has taught and performed on every continent on earth, except for Antarctica which still remains on his bucket list.
Mike Gorgone as Trellis Gardeen
Bran Peacock as Horatio Zinn
Producers: Mike Gorgone & Bran Peacock
Post-Production Coordination: Mike Gorgone & Bran Peacock
Editor: Mike Gorgone
HA! Logo: Mike Gorgone
Music: “Ben Sound Actionable” and “Ben Sound Sexy” from bensound.com
Sound effects:
Power Up 1 and TOS Communications Static 1 – from trekcore.org
Computer Heart 2 – from freesound.org
Restaurant background and Jazz background – unknown, but if you know, please tell us so we can credit them!