10 Minutes with Eddie Pina Today Improv
THIS WAS SO INCREDIBLY FUN IMPROVISING “10 Minutes with Eddie Pina!!!” Thanks to Michael J. Astrauskas for the suggestion “Escalation.” Stick around after as we talk about how Eddie got into improv, the impact Martin deMaat had on his life, why making positive choices helps further the scene, his legendary teams The Reckoning and Whirled News tonight, finding the courage to leave a group if it’s not working for you, supporting ideas on stage but teasing each other about them off stage during intermission or after the show, rent the theater first then find your cast, Sit Pretty and more. Our conversation was so much fun and I really enjoyed it. I highly encourage you to watch his group The Reckoning perform an amazing Harold at iO Chicago here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpRBS… Eddie is such an amazing and underrated performer. He is just incredibly talented as an improvisor and teacher and a nice human being. I just love watching him and how he plays. He picks up on every little thing and never lets anything drop. He can see how the show comes together overall as a cohesive piece and makes moves to support that and bring it all together. He’s one of those performers that other performers love to play with because he is always embracing ideas, positive and supportive. Follow him on Facebook, on IG @niceguyeddie, somewhere on Twitter or message me and I’ll pass it along to him. Subscribe to youtube.com/todayimprov for all the “10 Minutes with…” videos from amazing improvisors from all over the world as well as more improv stuff.