10 Minutes with Lauren Berning Today Improv
WHAT THE WHAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTT????? SO MUCH AMAZING FUN IMPROVISING “10 Minutes with Lauren Berning!!!” Thanks to Ignacio Valdez for the suggestion “Today’s hottest hits.” Stick around after as we talk about how Lauren got into improv, taking classes with her mom, Creative Approach. TBC Improv, tbcimprovhk, being fearless, committing in scenes, the amazing Shannon Dale Stott and more. Lauren is such a dynamo. She jumps right in to situations, both on and off stage, without having to know what the outcome is — it’s like we’re taught in improv: jump and the net will appear. Figure it out on the way down. She is very skilled in both long and short form and you can tell in her play. I love that we just started right away, no hesitation, and jumped locations. It was just so fun and playful and I loved every second of it. Follow Lauren on FB and IG @theimprovworld, her groups on FB and Twitter @tbcimprov and TBC Improv HK and check out the Creative Approach Summit https://www.creativeapproach.net/, Subscribe to youtube.com/todayimprov for all the “10 Minutes with…” videos from amazing improvisors from all over the world as well as more improv stuff.