WHAT IN THE WHAT???!!! SO MUCH FUN IMPROVISING “10 Minutes with Kathryn Emma” , especially during International Women’s Day!!!” Thanks to Kyle Graham for the suggestion “Landslide.” Stick around after as we talk about how Kathryn got into improv, the amazing workshops of David Escobedo, how Emma Bird “made the penny drop” for Kathryn, Liverpool Comedy Improv, whether that fear in improv ever goes away, being vulnerable, why it doesn’t matter, feeling supported and more. Kathryn is just so, soooo good. She makes so many great, strong moves in her scenes. We played both relationship as well as exploring the game of the scene to its fullest. Plus, she’s just a wonderful YES AND MACHINE. She supports and adds to what’s happening, which allows the scene to go where it is supposed to instead of being steered to a conclusion. It was just wonderful. Follow her on Facebook and IG @kathryn_emma90, check out her group Boss Birds Improv, Wretched Hive Comedy UK (and on their Twitch channel https://www.twitch.tv/wretchedhivecom….