HA! S1E9…
Dan, The Floating Grey Skull
From the soul ooze of the Collective Hive Mind planet comes a lonely floating grey skull named Dan who wants to make friends.
This Episode’s Guest Improviser
Jack Peeples
Six Kids Improv: Instagram | fb | Twitter
Jack on the Twitters @FakeJackPeeples

Jack is an Atlanta based improv and sketch comedian who performed all over the city before the pandemic ruined everything. He most regularly performs with Six Kids Improv and Recycling Bin comedy.
Mike Gorgone as Trellis Gardeen
Bran Peacock as Horatio Zinn
Producers: Mike Gorgone & Bran Peacock
Post-Production Coordination: Mike Gorgone & Bran Peacock
Editor: Mike Gorgone
HA! Logo: Mike Gorgone
Music: “Ben Sound Actionable” and “Ben Sound Sexy” from bensound.com
Sound effects:
Power Up 1 and TOS Communications Static 1 – from trekcore.org
Computer Heart 2 – from freesound.org
Restaurant background and Jazz background – unknown, but if you know, please tell us so we can credit them!