10 Minutes with Una Valaine
Today Improv
SAY WHAT??????!!!!! SO MUCH FUN AND JOY IMPROVISING “10 Minutes with Una Valaine!!!” Thanks to Patrīcija Kolāte for the suggestion of “Dropping bombs.” Stick around after as we talk about how Una got started in improv, Riga Improv Lab – Improvizācijas laboratorija, the vibrant scene in Latvia, the amazing folks at Improv Comedy Riga, just doing it, what to do when you get many ideas from a suggestion, musicality of play, how improv festivals allow for global connections and more. Una is just so darn fun to play with and brought it from the start. She jumps right in 100% and there is no looking back. She is so talented and makes you feel safe. There is huge trust with Una and it shows in what can happen in the scene–endless possibilities. She wasn’t afraid of adding music or rapping during the scene, which made me feel more confident doing it. What a sheer delight and joy! Amazing! Follow her on Facebook or Instagram @am_i_una. Subscribe to youtube.com/todayimprov for all the “10 Minutes with…” videos from amazing improvisors from all over the world as well as more improv stuff.