Hitchhikers and Appetizers – Trailer
Hitchhikers and Appetizers (or HA! for short) takes place in the universe of the “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” book series. Episodes take places at Milliways – the Restaurant at the End of the Universe. Each episode our main characters, Trellis Gardeen and Horatio Zinn, interview whoever they’ve roped into talking to them at the restaurant about their planet and its culture, history, customs etc. so they can create an entry to submit to The Guide (and pay for their dinner and drinks). For the hosts this seems like a much better way to “see” the universe and create Guide entries rather than have to actually travel around it.
The podcast was inspired by the podcasts Hello from the Magic Tavern and Everything is Alive. The hope is that HA! captures the fun and playfulness of HFTMT and the inquisitiveness of EiA.