10 Minutes with Thalia Pap
– Today Improv
Part 1
Part 2
Minutes with Thalia Pap.” Thanks to David Escobedo for the suggestion “I saw your social media page..” Stick around after as we talk about an ida of Thalia’s I’m stealing, rhyming in improv, playing the moment and not getting ahead of yourself, what yoga has to do with improv, and more. Thalia is just so fun, so in the moment, and it’s a breeze playing with her. She takes big risks and looks to find the most fun as she can. It’s fun to play with someone knowing they will always support you and go with the flow. We say “Got your back” a lot and sometimes people don’t mean it by how the play on stage. Thalia means it and shows it constantly. Check her out on Facebook and like her page Yoga with Thalia. She teaches a yoga class once a week, alternating on Tuesday or Thursday, that is pay what you can and all the money goes to a charity, which is awesome.
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