10 Minutes with Chris May Today Improv

I GOT TO PLAY WITH A ROCKSTAR AND I LOVED IMPROVISING “10 Minutes with Chris May.” Thanks to Bob Korin for the suggestion of “Notchos? Heck yeah!” Stick around after as we talk about how Chris got into improv and why he would drive 50 miles to a class, his experience on a reality show, why he chooses to go along with an idea rather than “no, but” it, and more. He’s also a kick ass tattoo artist who owns Proton Tattoo, so next time you’re near Chicago, do yourself a favor and hit him up for a tattoo. I love played with Chris and I really dug this scene. There was something that popped up during the scene that was a discovery based on an off handed remark he made and it really gave depth to the scene. He’s one of those people that are naturally funny but also extremely supportive. He takes huge, fun risks and is one of the most creative people I know. Just a fun time had by all. Follow him on Facebook, IG and Twitter @chrismayhole Subscribe to youtube.com/todayimprov​ to check out all the “10 Minutes with…” featuring brilliant improvisors from all over the world, as well as other cool improv stuff.

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