TheArtOfYes: Episode 3 – Interview With John Cremer

John Cremer started in improv with Louis Anthony Russo in Arizona and then joined Essential Theatre Playback Company. Returning to his native Brighton in 2001 he founded The Maydays. John works with a diverse range of clients including Microsoft, Deloitte, T-Mobile, Rio Tinto, Airbus, Lloyds TSB, HTC, ADT and Vistage. He is the author of “Reading People” and “Improv”. He also does a fair bit of fly fishing. John Cremer is also an award winning professional speaker. There aren’t too many people like him. His methods are playful yet provocative and he is renowned for delivering profound learning with a light, humorous touch. By combining the discipline of Reading People with extensive experience as a performing improviser he shows delegates and organisations new and effective possibilities in communication and innovation. His easy going, mischievous approach invites you to take yourself less seriously and to embrace novel approaches to personal interactions. His apparent tranquility and calm belies an ability to strike a chord with audiences that is so deep and personal, that it is as if he’s known the whole audience from childhood. It is this understanding of who you are that he uses in his keynote speaking and group training events to such great effect. John shows you how to use this awareness to your advantage. He invites you to feel secure in who you are and helps you understand much more about your role in life. As a bonus, you gain some of the secrets of how this magic works.
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