10 Minutes with Vanessa Anton Today Improv
SO WONDERFUL AND AMAZING! I had a truly amazing time improvising “10 Minutes with Vanessa Anton.” Thanks to Jennifer Osborne Prescott for the suggestion of “Butterfingers.” Stick around after the scene as we talk about being vulnerable and silly, finding new people to play with and why Vanessa, who is an incredible improv teacher, isn’t teaching at the moment. We also talk about her group in San Diego, Cornerstone Improv (www.cornerstoneimprov.com) Follow them here Cornerstone Improv and on IG @cornerstoneimprov. They created Cornerstone Improv with the hope of adding another inclusive space in San Diego to get better at improv. They love sharing our love of improv with others through teaching classes and workshops. We’ve all been involved in the San Diego Improv Scene for the last 8 years and want to find ways to increase opportunities for our amazing community. They have inclusion scholarships as well. Such a great place. Vanessa is incredibly gifted and a joyful human being. I just love playing with her so much. She makes such brave and bold choices and plays the silence so well. She has always been a player full of emotion and playfulness, a trait that I just adore. I know I can do anything when we play together and she lives and dies with support and “got your back.” She is just the bee’s knees and I love playing with her so much. Check out her website vanessanton.com, follow her on Facebook and also like her group Cornerstone Improv!