10 Minutes with John McInnes Today Improv
SUCH A FUN TIME improvising “10 Minutes with John McInnes!” Thanks to Marie Perez for the suggetsion “Worst County Fair ever.” Stick around afterwards as we talk about how John got into improv and what food he thinks he could eat the most of at one sitting. John is a fun guy to play with and loves making himself look the fool in a scene, something I love doing to myself as well. He has great timing and a wonderful comedic mind. He makes it seem he knows exactly what he’s doing, evern though he doesn’t. A joy to play with. Check out the weekly Tuesday show he does Couch – improv, where they take audience songs and add them to a spotify playlist for inspiration. Follow him on Facebook, on Twitter (@lyebot) his improv team Jazz Police Improv and on twitter @JPImprov